Samsung Electronics has recently released its Ultra Smart F700 built to take on the challenge issued by Apple’s iPhone. This time however, they have an ally in hand. Vodafone was reported to be in on the deal but it won’t only release it on a few selected areas (like the iPhone) but release it to the major public.
Vodafone of course is the largest mobile telecommunications network company in the world by turnover and has a market value of about 84.7 billion.
The Samsung F700, just like the iPhone, has some pretty amazing features to its credit. This includes a 5 megapixel camera with auto focus and support for High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) network. Users can experience the joys of high speed net as HSDPA speeds can touch up to 7.2 Mbps.
Other features found on the handset include: a 2.78″ color display, Bluetooth, VibeTonz technology and a Drag and drop touch interface.
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